You can tie "The Knot" many ways. To deserve the name "The Knot" a ride must come at the crossroads of Tweed Blvd and Clausland Mountain Rd from every direction. This route does not technically achieve this but it takes in the added climbs of Old Mountain/Christian Herald/Mountain View and Schuyler Rd. There's plenty of climbing here.
Although it adds only 2 more total miles, this variation includes approaching The Knot from Ash & Tweed by eliminating descending Clausland Mtn Rd and redoing Bradley. Be very careful both times you intersect 9W at the end of Tweed and while crossing over from Ash to Tweed. 9W has a blind curve approaching from the north and traffic does not expect to see you on both junctions. Tweed into 9W may be the most dangerous intersection in our region by virtue of both being blind to motor traffic approaching from the north on 9W and the steep descent angle of Tweed as it ends on 9W at a right angle. Descend very slowly as you merge onto the narrow shoulder of 9W going south.
The original Knot is in the featured RWGPS link.
HS 3/31/15