Lots of turns; not an A route.
RWGPS and its cue sheet re-routed from the Grand Concourse to the more bike-friendly Broadway Bridge/ Sedgwick/ Goulden on the way out.
At mile 18.4 a good rest stop: Duncan Doughtnuts.
At mile 25.1 (Kensico Dam) a good rest stop.
Lunch stop across from Mt Kisco train station (several choices).
Metro North bailouts at Mt. Kisco, Valhalla, White Plains, and Scarsdale. Subway bailout at mile 69 (#4) or at mile 71.1 (#1).
This ride can be shorted to 70 miles by starting at last stop of #4 train (mile 9.9) or to 58 miles starting and ending at last stop of #4 train.
Includes bike path section up from White Plains to the Kensico Dam Plaza.
Stan Oldak was a much loved Past President of the NYCC.
HS 4/9/15
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