NYCC Racing


Please join us for 3-4 days of cycling through the beautiful country

Our Story

Two years ago two cyclists were hammering up and down 9w on their own, watching big teams flying past in their beautiful matching kits in tight fast disciplined pace lines. Wanting to get in on the action, they soon joined CRCA and began racing.

One day, they chanced upon the New York Cycle Club.  After signing up, they went on their first group ride. While fun, it wasn't quite the style and speed they were looking for.  They wanted something a bit more... Attacky!  They decided to post their own ride that would have the hard paceline riding of regular rides, but with the addition of a bit more friendly competition and aggressive riding.  The Attack! to Nyack ride was born.

The first week a few people turned up.  Many didn't come back, but those that did brought friends.  Each week it grew and grew.  The ride got faster and faster.  New riders joined and often got dropped, but they kept coming back and no longer get dropped.

Many of them started racing in CRCA's club races in Central Park with no team and loose cooperation.  They started winning races and other teams started calling.  They had gotten this far alone so they decided to start their own team.

One week, a chap named Christy signed up for the weekly Attack! to Nyack ride. Word got around that he was the boss, the big man, the President of the NYCC.  At the coffee break he explained NYCC's mission: to promote it's members interests in cycling.  When he heard that the Attack! gang were starting their own team he listened intently.  One month later, he called and asked that the Attack! team build a race team for and on behalf of the NYCC.

NYCC Racing was born!

The Attack! guys knew that not everyone in their group wanted to race. Some riders liked training hard and riding with guys who raced.  They decided a race team wasn't enough and NYCC needed a professional quality structured development and training program which would offer coaching, mentoring, skills classes, indoor and outdoor group rides.   

NYCC Racing and Development Team was born!

What is the NYCC Race and Development Team?

An outlet to allow NYCC riders to further develop their fitness, speed, and bike handling skills through structured training, group rides and instruction from other riders/racers.  An opportunity for NYCC riders to explore racing for the first time with other like minded club members. A competitive set of both men's and women's race teams who will be competing in many of the local, regional, as well as national races with the goal of successful results.

Who is the NYCC Race and Development Team for?

Any NYCC member who wants to get faster, stronger or race / explore the possibility of racing.  

What does it cost?

  • The training and development program is free.

  • Races vary in cost from $15 per race to season passes for $150+.

  • Indoor trainer $100-$1500 (strongly encouraged)

  • Team member requirements - every member has to commit to giving up a few hours for team duties over the year, leading rides and taking their turn mentoring the next wave of eager NYCC members wishing to take their riding to the next level.

What do I get?

  • Structured training plans/program - yearly plan, updated weekly, tailored for the time of year

  • Weekly training rides with different speed lines starting with a guaranteed 19mph line

  • 1 on 1 mentoring/coaching by an experienced racer - every rider will be assigned to a more experienced rider who be there to answer those difficult ask on a group ride questions, offer advice and encouragement and most importantly, make sure riders are welcomed in to the family

  • Guaranteed ability to race for the team in Cat 5 after passing some very basic and easily attainable tasks centered around ensuring every rider who races with is safe for them selves and more importantly, those around them

  • Skills classes - racing, safe group riding, wheel touching, bumping, etc

  • Fantastic group of passionate cyclist and racers

  • Group chat rooms to geek off about your love of cycling and learn more about racing

What is required of me?

  • A19 speed and SIG equivalent paceline and riding skills - see SIG program for riders needing help to get there

  • Minimum 3 days a week of training

  • Safe riding

  • Friendly team first attitude

Sample weekly training plan:

  • Monday - optional light spin

  • Tuesday - Hard hour - CP group ride and/or indoor

  • Weds - optional light spin

  • Thurs - Medium/Technical day - CP group ride or indoor

  • Fri - day off

  • Saturday - Main Group Ride - Attack! to Nyack / NYCC Race squad rides

  • Sunday - Social group recovery ride

For more information - please check out our website:


Sun, 02/05/2017 - 08:00