Submitted by HSchiffman on Sat, 02/10/2018 - 20:28 General Information Way Points: Hastings on Hudson northbound railroad platform> Southside/Maple Ave> Spring St> Main St> Farragut Avenue> Ravensdale Road ⇒ Jackson Ave> Sprain Ridge Park access Rd Status: SubmittedInterest Tags: Mountain Bike Details 2 out of 5Distance: 2.60Difficulty: 6Region Name(s): Mountain BikingWestchester/CTVertical Gain: 360Ron RothLevel(s): BSignature Route : Attached Files Attachments: 26834711.pdf Depending on time of day, cyclists can be marginalized on Jackson. Take care. But certainly a very easy access to serious mountain bike terrain from the city. HS 2/10/2018 field_vote: 0Your rating: None0No votes yet