June 9W Cleanup Ride


NYCC’s biannual clean up "our" stretch of 9W

Sunday, June 26 2016 - various start times


Our date to clean up a one-mile stretch of 9W is Sunday June 26. We need at least 20 people to show up; we will give you a map with a tenth of a mile segment to clean, gloves if you need them (I think the preferred material is something call “nitrile”) and as many garbage bags as you need. The job takes about 40 minutes and you get a free lunch from The Market on 9W (free to you, not to the club). 

Most people who come organize a ride timed to arrive at The Market at about noon; a few just come straight to The Market. Either way works.

Do sign up and come; The cleanup is easy and the whole even becomes a nice party for those who give back to the community.

Event Organizer: Jerry Ross, VP Rides  // Banner Credit: Cathline Marshall 

Ride Listings for the 9W Cleanup:

A19 Ride (led by Michael/Suzy/Lorna/John)

B18 Ride (posted by Steve Musso)

B15 Ride (posted by Linda Wintner and Susana Vivares)

C13 Ride (led by Carol Waaser)

C14 Ride (led by Tracy Young and True Sims)

(your ride listing here? Submit a ride for Sunday June 26th to the Market)


Sun, 06/26/2016 - 09:00