Autumn 9W Cleanup Ride


NYCC’s biannual clean up "our" stretch of 9W

Sunday, October 18, 2015 - various start times

Grants Tomb-Sakura Park, Riverside Drive and 122nd Street 

The job is easy and fun. Volunteers appear at the Market on 9W at about 1:00 PM, we hand out trash bags, latex gloves and a map showing the approximately 1/10th of a mile piece we ask you to walk and pick up trash. The whole job takes about an hour.  

Then the groups return to the Market where there will be time to socialize and enjoy refreshments provided by the Club before continuing on your rides back to NYC.

Banner Credit: Cathline Marshall

Event Organizer: Jerry Ross, VP Rides

Sign up:

C14 -

B16 -

A19 -

Sun, 10/18/2015 - 09:00