C SIG 2014 Graduation



Congratulations to our 2014 Graduates…


"No Pomp…no Circumstances…just an all-out fun time for the C-SIG Graduation.  Come one, come all to Annie Moore’s on June 10 to hear the exploits of the finest C-SIG class in at least a year!  Through the cold and wind they learned to work as a group, stay safe in traffic and beat the leaders up the climbs.  And now they graduate with superior skills, to join fellow NYCCers on all the best rides the Club has to offer.  Don’t miss this night!

Where? The C-SIG graduation ceremony will be held at the NYCC club meeting, Tuesday, June 10 at Annie Moore’s Bar & Restaurant (downstairs); located at 50 East 43rd Street (1/2 block east of Madison Ave).  Doors (and the bar) open at 6:00. Dinner (optional for $20) starts at 6:30. The program gets underway at 7:00, and the raffle will be held around 8:30. So mark it on your calendar, and be there! Let’s celebrate!

And don’t forget the terrific raffle sponsored by Gran Fondo NJ, including:

  • 2 free entries to Gran Fondo NJ 2014
  • 10 Gran Fondo NJ 2013 Cycling Jerseys
  • 3 Gran Fondo NJ 2013 Cycling Jerseys signed by George Hincapie
  • 48 GFNJ Pint Glasses (handed out on a first come first-served basis)

Please note: you must be a club member and be present, in order to participate in the raffle.


"C-SIG Graduation


C SIG 2014 Graduation Meeting

Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Location: Annie Moore's Restaurant and Pub, 50 E. 43rd St. (bet. Madison & Vanderbilt Aves.)
Beer and schmooze time: 6:00PM
Buffet Dinner - $20.00 (optional): 6:30PM
Program: 7:00PM
Raffle: 8:30PM

If you plan on having dinner, kindly RSVP to programs@nycc.org.


Tue, 06/10/2014 - 18:00