NYCC Webinar: Big City to Bike City? City Cycling in the Age of Covid with Jon Orcutt


NYCC Webinar: Big City to Bike City?

EventNYCC Webinar: Big City to Bike City? City Cycling in the Age of Covid with Jon Orcutt
Date:Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Location Virtually, via Zoom Video Communications


Jon Orcutt, bicycle policy expert and NYC utility and racing cyclist will discuss how cities around the world have seized on cycling as virus-safe means of transport and recreation and transport--while a seemingly rudderless New York City experiences a dramatic uptick in cyclist road deaths. Jon has nearly 30 years experience advocating and implementing sustainable transportation. As Director of Policy at the NYC Dept. of Transportation from 2007 to 2014, Jon managed the creation of the bike share system, development of the Vision Zero approach to traffic safety, and implementation of the bike infrastructure and traffic calming measures that New Yorkers already take for granted. Jon had previously served as executive director of both Transportation Alternatives and the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, and is currently Communications Director for Bike New York.  Program will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., with time for questions at the end.

As always, non-members of NYCC are welcome. The event will be streamed live over Zoom onto your phone, desktop, or other device.

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Up to 100 people can “attend” the Webinar (meaning that they can pose questions during the Q&A period).  Many more than that can listen and watch. If it is important to you to be able to pose questions, please register early for the event as this feature is limited to the first 100 registrants

Tue, 09/15/2020 - 06:00