May Club Meeting B-SIG Graduation


May Club Meeting: B-Sig Graduation 



Event: Monthly Club Meeting:  B-SIG Graduation
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Location: Connolly’s Bar & Restaurant, 121 West 45th St. (3rd fl.) (bet. 6th Ave. & Broadway)



6:00PM - dine, drink and schmooze

– program

8:30 - Socialize


You have done it! You have triumphed over: the freezing cold, the rain and wet roads, the hills, your alarm clock or cell phone “screaming” at you to get out of bed, flat tires and more…You are a proud B SIG graduate and NYCC salutes you!  Now we want you to join your fellow SIGGIES, Ride Leaders, and other club members to celebrate your achievements at the B SIG Graduation meeting.  Let the festivities begin!

Connolly’s/NYCC Beer Happy Hour

Connolly’s/NYCC Beer Happy Hour will include the following beers for the entire duration of our meeting (6:00 - 9:00 PM) and will be available for purchase at the discounted price of $6.00 :

Bass Ale  ·  Sam Adams  ·  Connolly’s Red or Wheat  ·  Yuengling


Tue, 05/14/2019 - 18:00