2019 October Weekend in Greenport


Join your NYCC friends – or make new ones – on the Greenport weekend.

NYCC Weekend in Greenport, October 19-20, 2019

Saturday, October 19 – A/B/C train-and-bike rides from Babylon and Ronkonkoma to Greenport.

C14: Train out to Ronkonkoma. Head east to Riverhead for lunch at Funcho's Tex-Mex and Snowflake Ice Cream Shoppe. Then continue east to Greenport.
B16, B18, A19: Train out to Babylon. Then north to Port Jefferson and west to Wading River. Lunch in Riverhead before heading east along the Peconic Bay to Greenport.
Saturday Night, October 19 - Group dinner at Front Street Station.

Sunday, October 20 – Group breakfast followed by A/B/C bike-and-train rides finishing in Greenport and Southampton.

C14: Miles of tranquil beauty past the flowering causeways, pristine beaches and gingerbread homes of Shelter Island.  Lunch halfway at Marie Eiffel in the Heights. Then out to the Ram Islands before a ferry return to Greenport.

B16, B18, A19: Take the ferry  to Shelter Island and ride the West perimeter to the South Ferry. Food stop in Sag Harbor, then ride through the Northwest Woods, trace Three Mile, Accabonac and East Harbors before heading west to Southhampton for the train back to NYC.


Weekend Cost

$200 per person, single occupancy

$120 per person, double occupancy

Includes Saturday night at Silver Sands Motel, Saturday group dinner.  Does not include transportation, Sunday breakfast.  Members can arrange their own housing-transport, in which case dinner is $35. Email us if that’s what you want to do.  Note that there is no luggage shuttle.  Changes of clothing for Saturday-Sunday can be carried in a light backpack.

Event Organizers: Malka Baker, Ellen Jaffe, Peter Storey, Neile Weissman

Link to Register/PayPal (by Tuesday, October 15 at 6PM)


Sat, 10/19/2019 - 07:00