C Riders - Spring Ride Offerings Information Session


C Riders - Spring Ride Offerings

In case you missed the meeting, the recording is now available.

Event: C Riders - Spring Ride Offerings

Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022
Location: Virtually, via Zoom Video Communications
Schedule: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Program

Program: C Riders - Spring Ride Offerings
Do you want to go from riding in well spaced-out groups to a beautiful straight line, with a group of people who don't take themselves too seriously and are always out to have some fun?

Then join us for a Zoom meeting on February 3rd at 7pm to hear about our special C Rides planned for this Spring.

The various programs begin between the middle to end of March. Some continue until the end of Mayand others continue throughtout the year.

There will be several “Welcome New Member Rides” aimed at newcomers to the Club, the C-SIG, a Saturday and Sunday series of “STS”-style rides, and several “Explore Your City Rides.”

The Welcome New Member Rides and Explore Your City Rides, to be led by Linda Wintner, Jim Finder, and Julie Blackburn, will be relatively short rides with the focus on visiting interesting places and allowing riders to get to know one another and start to get back in shape for more challenging rides later in the season. Linda, Jim, and Julie will continue their rides on some weekends through the Summer and Fall.

The C-Sig will focus on teaching riders safe and competent group riding skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. You are expected to commit to attending the whole ride series. Each week new skills will be added week with a quick review of the basics from previous rides.

The STS-style rides, to be led by Jim Zisfein (Sundays) and Jerry Ross (Saturdays), will be a graduated series of rides, starting with a 30-mile relatively easy ride and working up longer rides over the next 6 – 10 weeks. There is no need to sign up for the entire series. The exact schedule and destinations for the STS rides is still being determined.

You have the option of participating in the Saturday or Sunday STS as your schedule allows. Please just don’t participate both days each weekend.

All the rides will follow the current NYCC Covid protocols

All the rides, with the exception of C-SIG, will be listed on the NYCC Ride listing page.

On February 3rd, we will explain our plans in more detail and have time for Q&A. Members and non-members are welcome to join this call but only members will be permitted to join the rides.

The presenters will be:

  • Jerry Ross, VP-Rides and Saturday C-STS
  • Linda Wintner, Welcome New Member Rides
  • Jim Zisfein – Sunday C-STS
  • Julie Blackburn – Explore Your City Rides and Social Sundays
  • Marc Simkin, Moderator and C-Rides Coordinator
  • Ness Rahmey, C-Sig Representative


The event will be streamed live over Zoom onto your phone, desktop, or other device.  If you are not a member please consider joining NYCC for just $1 for the first month by clicking here.

Registration is required for this meeting. Please use this link to register.

After registering, follow the instructions provided in the email that you have received.

Throughout the process, please BE PATIENT and wait until prompted before you start clicking. Read the instructions, follow them closely, and you will be rewarded with easy access!

If you have never used Zoom before, you will be required to download, accept and run the software.  This should take less than a minute.  Zoom supports Windows, macOS, iOS (iPhone/iPad), and Android.  You can participate on a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.  You will receive instructions on how to participate by phone during the online registration process.

If you are unwilling to run the Zoom software on your device, you will not be able to participate.
















Thu, 02/03/2022 - 19:00