Zoom Recordings From EXCITING New Sponsors Now Available


Two Zoom Events to Get Ready for Escape New York


Into Virtual? Meet VidFitness 


Ride ENY Rain or Shine

Thanks to VidFitness

Right now, the forecast is for a nice day on Saturday September 25th, 2021 but who knows what can happen between now and then, right? Escape New York is a "rain or shine" ride, but if for any reason you can't make the ride - you can do it at home, at your convenience, using technology from our new sponsor, VidFitness.
You can even TRAIN for ENY, with video OF ENY thanks to NYCC member Sarah Hreha who turned us onto this very reasonably priced virtual training alternative AND created the video of for the Virtual Escape New York ride.
VidFitness is Free if you don't mind ads, and Free for NYCC members and followers through this summer and fall, and only $5 a month if you want the ad-free version.
Join us this coming Friday September 17th at 7pm for a Zoom introduction and demo of VidFitness.

Event #2

Sunday, Sept 19, 4PM


We are excited to introduce

Never Second

Neversecond™ was founded in 2019 by four life-long endurance athletes. Their mission is to bring everyday athletes the same performance nutrition products and nutritional guidance that world champions and Olympians receive. They leverage science to achieve this.
Neversecond™ believes that if something cannot be scientifically verified through numerous research studies, it should not be in their products. All Neversecond™ products are rigorously developed and tested on athletes and in their lab to ensure that they are the best they can be. And they never rest.
Neversecond™ tirelessly works to improve their products so that all athletes can be confident that they have the best products available when they need them.
Neversecond™ is extremely proud of their teams, elite athletes and ambassadors. They are the official performance nutrition partner of
the two top UCI World Tour teams at 2021 Tour de France;
EF Education – NIPPO and
Team Bahrain Victorious.
Many of their athletes and ambassadors have also enjoyed an outstanding year while leveraging their products and guidance. As 2021 comes to a close and they look ahead to 2022, they hope to educate a growing community of endurance athletes about the importance of performance nutrition as a gateway to marginal gains.
And that starts with YOU! They will be providing their flagship products to Escape NewYork so you can try them out yourself and they are offering a ZOOM class on how to properly hydrate and manage your nutrition while on the ride for peak performance. 
Join us on Sunday September 19th at 4pm EST, 9PM UK Time. Meet the founders of Neversecond and hear an interesting perspective on proper diet for longer rides. Ever eat the wrong thing and have it slow you down on a ride? This will be a very worthwile session to attend then. We'll have plenty of options for you on the ride, newest among them - Neversecond™! 
Sat, 09/11/2021 - 11:45