Spring Training: The 2018 C-STS


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Need help with registration? Instructions are here.

Online registration for the SIG/STS programs will open on the morning following the SIG/STS/Racing Team Introductory Meeting. The exact time will be first announced at the meeting and posted on NYCC's website after it.

Interested to learn more about the STS? Join us at the SIG/STS/Racing Team Introductory Meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. The meeting is open to members and non-members. 

The C-STS (Spring Training Series) is a non-instructional series of rides for experienced cyclists with good group riding skills.  The goal is to get fit, make new friends, discover the wonderful cycling we have in the metro area, enjoy memorable lunch stops and ride safely.  Each week we will progressively increase distance and include more challenging terrain.  The 2018 C-STS begins Sunday March 25 and continues for 8 weeks through Sunday May 20.  There will be no ride on April 1, Easter Sunday.  

Total participation is 20 riders. 

We ask riders to register for the entire series just as you would for the SIG.  Preference is given to SIG graduates.  Riders who wish to register and are not SIG graduates, please contact Julie Blackburn, the C-Ride Coordinator, prior to registering at c-rides@nycc.org.   We will list the rides on the NYCC website.  For each ride, registered C-STS riders who have confirmed their attendance for that ride will be listed, after which open spots will be filled on a first come first served basis.     

As a courtesy to your fellow riders and NYCC members we ask that if you are a registered C-STS rider and know that you cannot make one or more rides let Julie Blackburn know right away.  We can then fill your spot with another rider.  We would prefer not to turn anyone away and YOU can do a great job of helping us here. Thank you in advance for your assistance.  


Your leaders will be experienced NYCC ride leaders. If you have questions or need additional information contact Julie Blackburn at c-rides@nycc.org

Other Info

  • All riders must wear a helmet.
  • All participants must be NYCC members.
  • Riders must have a bike in good working order.
  • Please bring two spare tubes and a pump.
  • You are expected to be able to change a flat tire (although we will help.)
  • The C-STS Leader Team reserves the right to disqualify any rider who fails to demonstrate acceptable group-riding skills.  Safety is our #1 priority.
  • No one will be "dropped" on a ride. But if a rider is struggling before we leave the city, they will be asked to "bail" at a convenient subway stop. On many rides there will not be other bail options.
  • On early, shorter rides we will not take a lunch break, (it’s too cold!) so bring pocket food.
  • Be aware that we will take fewer and shorter breaks than you may be accustomed to on NYCC C-rides.
  • Any last minute changes (weather cancellations) will be posted to the NYCC message board at 7:00 A.M. on Saturday morning.

Proposed Ride Calendar (may change)

March 25
Closter NJ
April 1
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 29
East Egg, West Egg
May 6
May 13
Pearl River
May 20


Sun, 05/20/2018 - 09:00