Spring Training: The 2016 C-STS


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The C-STS Training Series is a non instructional ride series for experienced cyclists with good group riding skills beginning Saturday March 26th and continuing for 8 weeks through May 14th.   Experienced riders who have not participated in a sig should contact the leaders prior to registering. The goals of the series are to get fit, make new riding friends, experience new routes and ride safely.  We’ll break into 2 groups and progress with increasing speed, distance and more challenging terrain, ending with either a 50 mile ride at a 13 pace or a 65 mile ride at a 15 pace. Because this is a progressive series, participants must register in advance.  No new riders will be allowed to join after the third ride.  We will need to limit each group to 15 riders, so please sign up as soon as the website allows!


Tamara Lipshie, Kate Mostkoff, Marla Kerner and Jim Zisfein can be contacted at c-sts@nycc.org.

Other Info

  • All riders must wear a helmet.

  • All participants must be NYCC members.

  • Riders must have a bike in good working order.

  • Please bring two spare tubes and a pump.

  • You are expected to be able to change a flat tire (although we will help.)

  • The C-STS Leader Team reserves the right to disqualify any rider who fails to demonstrate acceptable group-riding skills.  Safety is our #1 priority.

  • No one will be "dropped" on a ride. But if a rider is struggling before we leave the city, they will be asked to "bail" at a convenient subway stop.  On many rides there will not be other bail options.

  • On early, shorter rides we will not take a lunch break, (it’s too cold!) so bring pocket food.

  • Be aware that we will take fewer and shorter breaks than you may be accustomed to on NYCC C-rides.

  • Any last minute changes (weather cancellations) will be posted to the NYCC message board at 7:00 A.M. on Saturday morning.
Sat, 03/26/2016 - 09:30