Volunteer Recognition Party


Calling all 2014 volunteers!  We NEED YOU!!  IT’S PAAARRTTEEEE TIME!!  To show our appreciation for your tireless efforts and commitment, we’re holding a party and you’re the guest of honor.    So please join us on Wednesday, February 25th at Ichi Umi as we celebrate YOU!

Event:  Volunteer Recognition Party (the “PAAARRTTEEE”)

Date:  Wednesday, February 25

Time:  7:00 p.m.

Location: Ichi Umi | 6 East 32nd Street | http://www.ichiumi.com/

RSVP by 2/19:  Use the signup form below + email 2014 volunteer work to events@nycc.org

 The fine print:

  • You must RSVP and email events@nycc.org with your 2014 volunteer work
  • If you only volunteered for Escape New York - you already had your party
  • This PAAARRTTEEEE! is for volunteers at events like the All-Class Ride, helping out at monthly meetings, ride leaders – you know…. volunteer stuff

So, send me an email and let's eat some sushi!!

Wed, 02/25/2015 - 19:00