July Club Meeting: Charles Komanoff Presents Cycling’s Past, Present and Future.




Event: Monthly Club Meeting:  Charles Komanoff Presents:  Cycling’s Past, Present and Future.  (Please note:  Jersey sizing for the new NYCC Jerseys will be available after the presentation*)


Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Location: Connolly’s Bar & Restaurant, 121 West 45th St. (3rd fl.)

(bet. 6th Ave. & Broadway)


6:00PM - Dine, Drink and Schmooze

7:00PM – Program

8:00 – Raffle / Ability to size jerseys


NYCC present Charles Komanoff, who will be speaking about cycling’s past triumphs, and his vision for cycling’s present and future.  

An economist and environmental activist, Charlie has been a participant or prime mover in almost every campaign to advance bicycling in and around NYC since the 1970s. As volunteer president of Transportation Alternatives from the mid-1980s into the early 1990s, Charlie is credited with gaining 24-7 access to River Road and the GWB south path and with instilling environmental and social consciousness in bike advocacy here and around the country. He also was prominent, as both economic modeler and pamphleteer, in the successful push to legislate congestion pricing for New York City.

A year-round rider (he claims a 15-year streak of cycling at least 100 miles in every month), Charlie is keenly familiar with the challenges of bicycle commuting and recreational riding as well as with NYC’s contentious traffic politics and our vibrant bike culture. 

Raffle:  New NYCC Jersey*

*Jerseys from the manufacturer of the new NYCC kit will be available to size

Connolly’s/NYCC Beer Happy Hour

Connolly’s/NYCC Beer Happy Hour will include the following beers for the entire duration of our meeting (6:00 - 9:00 PM) and will be available for purchase at the discounted price of $6.00 :

Bass Ale  ·  Sam Adams  ·  Connolly’s Red or Wheat  ·  Yuengling


Tue, 07/09/2019 - 18:00